faq Doula


QWhat is My Health Doula?

You can think of My Health Doula as a service that connects individuals with specialist medical guides that aim to lessen the stress of navigating our often complicated healthcare landscape.

One of our founding team members, with over 12 years of experience as a birth doula, sensed this crucial need for empathetic, understanding individuals who can carefully navigate the intricate realm of healthcare in totality even outside the birth space. Our team of compassionate Personalized health care guides offers invaluable assistance, providing a wealth of information, comfort, and emotional support for across the diverse broad spectrum of all your healthcare needs. Just like birth doulas, we at My Health Doula strive to review all healthcare information, listen attentively, and guide individuals seamlessly through complex or chronic health issues.

The result? Optimal health outcomes that truly transform lives.

At My Health Doula, we are committed to extend personalized expert assistance to our members. We excel at helping individuals comprehend medical advice, suggesting alternative treatments when appropriate, and facilitating informed decisions. Furthermore, we are committed to addressing fears and worries, ensuring that our clients feel heard, understood, and supported every step of the way.

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive support system that encompasses both informational and emotional assistance in healthcare. By harnessing the expertise of our dedicated healthcare guides, we empower our clients to improve outcomes and enhance their overall quality of life.

Join us at My Health Doula and let us accompany you on your healthcare journey, offering unwavering support and guidance tailored to your unique needs. Together, we can navigate the complexities of healthcare with confidence, compassion, and care.

QWhat is a Healthcare Guide?

In times of more complex health issues a Healthcare Guide can be a valuable partner in helping you access more informed care. Having a guide by your side will leave you feeling supported and empowered to take an active role in your own health care. Feeling heard, understood and not alone in your journey will lead to better well being.

QWhat is complex health?

Complex health refers to health conditions or situations that involve a high degree of intricacy, uncertainty, or multiple interacting factors. These conditions often require a comprehensive and multifaceted approach for diagnosis, treatment, and management. Complex health issues may involve multiple systems or organs in the body, chronic illnesses, rare diseases, comorbidities, or situations where the treatment or management plan needs to consider various factors such as medication interactions, lifestyle modifications, and specialized care coordination. The complexity may stem from medical, psychological, social, or logistical aspects. Complex health conditions pose challenges in navigating and necessitate the expertise and collaboration of healthcare professionals.

QWhat are the benefits of this service?

Making medical decisions alone can feel like an overwhelming challenge. Many people struggle with understanding the nuances of their care, conditions, medications and options. Further exacerbating this problem is our overburdened healthcare system.

In a perfect world, our primary care doctors would be able to assist us in understanding and decision making. Unfortunately they are working in a system that overtaxes their time and limits their ability to interact more meaningfully with their patients. This is where a medical guide can be so valuable.

Our guides are dedicated to taking time with you, explaining all of your medical questions to you and helping you take a more informed and active role in your health and wellbeing. These guides are experts in their fields. Having a Medical Guide puts an expert in your corner, a person who adds to your health care team while keeping your goals and wishes at heart.

Having a reliable resource who can routinely provide you with a deeper understanding of your unique health situation and a full picture of your options leads to improved health outcomes. This is the biggest benefit of our service.

QRationale behind Membership?

The membership enables continuity of care, personalized attention, enhanced communication channels, exclusive benefits, with informational as well as emotional support aligned to your healthcare and wellness goals leading to increased patient satisfaction, ultimately unlocking the best health outcomes for you.

QHow does it work?

My Health Doula works through facilitated meetings between Members and Healthcare Guides. Once you create a profile you can begin your journey to more supported healthcare. Our Doula Concierge Operators are here to assist you every step of the way and to make sure you are connected to the best Healthcare Guide to meet your needs and wishes. You will work in collaboration with our team enabling you to access more informed care with improved outcomes.

QHow do I get in contact with my guide?

To join My Health Doula, simply visit our user-friendly website and navigate to the My Account section. Fill out a brief patient health history form to complete your registration. Once submitted, our expert Personalized Doula Concierge operators will take over and connect you to your personalized healthcare guide. If you are already a member, you can schedule a guide consultation through your member portal.

QCan guides replace my doctors?

No. While guides cannot replace your primary care doctors, they do play a valuable role in providing a space for individuals to be heard regarding their healthcare needs. They can assist in guiding and navigating through the complexities of an increasingly confusing healthcare journey. Additionally, guides may suggest alternative therapies or lifestyle and dietary changes, which you can explore and discuss with your primary care physician to achieve optimal healthcare results.

QCan guides prescribe medication?

Guides do not prescribe medications or therapies. However, they can offer valuable suggestions for alternative therapies, as well as lifestyle and dietary changes. They can also help you better understand the pros and cons of your medications and help you mitigate any potential side effects. It is important to explore these suggestions and discuss them with your primary care physician to ensure you achieve the best possible healthcare outcomes.

QCan I cancel my membership if I don’t love it?

Absolutely, you can.

QWhat if I want a different guide?

Sure, You can coordinate with your Doula Concierge operator if you wish to be connected with another healthcare guide. The Doula Concierge operator will guide you through the process.

QCan I reschedule my appointment?

Yes, with a 24 hours notice in advance.

QHow secure is my medical & personal information?

Medical and personal information is kept confidential and shared only with those involved in the care.

QDo you take insurance or FSA payments?

We do not take insurance or FSA payments at this time. Our hope is to work with insurance companies, so that we may include this in the future.

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